
How Geology of earth is different from Earth science?


Geology science is the study related to earth It involves all of earth’s dynamic processes, not just those on the crust.

Branches of Geology

Several branches.

  1. Physical Geology: Physical geology is concerned with the work of natural processes which bring about changes upon the earth’s surface.
  2.  It deals with the study of the composition, structure, and origin of rocks.
  • Mineralogy: Mineralogy includes the study of mineral composition, structure, appearance, stability, occurrence, and associations.
  1. Structural Geology of earth: This branch of geology deals with the study of the structure of rocks in the earth’s crust.
  2. Stratigraphy: It is the science of tic description, correlation, and classification of strata in sedimentary rocks including the interpretation of the depositional environments of those strata.
  3. Paleontology: Paleontology is the science of fossils of ancient life forms and their evolution.
  • It gives us a picture of the land and seas, the climate, and life of early times upon the earth.
  • Economic Geology: Economic geology deals with the study of minerals, ores, and fossil fuels of economic importance.
  1. Mining Geology: This branch of geology is concerned with the study of the application of geology to mining engineering.
  2. Engineering Geology: Engineering geology includes the study of the application of geology to civil engineering

Write a detailed note to describe various components of the geology map?


Verify its pretense and identity. Map-able units are shown as different colors,



A geological map has at least three basic components:

  • The map itself
  • Legend
  • Cross-section


Geologic maps show the distribution of rock types that are exposed at the surface of the earth.


Geologic maps always contain a legend that gives the name and symbol for each formation, as well as, the age of each formation and its rock type. The map legend also contains a list and explanation of the symbols shown on the map, such as the symbols for different types of faults and folds.


Geologic cross-sections are constructed based on the geology of earth mapped at the surface combined with an understanding of rocks in terms of physical behavior and three-dimensional structures.

Write a detailed note on the convection current hypothesis geology?


The idea of convection current was first suggested by the British geologist. A Holmes in 1927 when he tried to explain the driving mechanism for the continental drift. Holmes proposed that subcrustal convection currents dragged the two halves of the original continent apart. The mountain chains were formed on the front portion of the moving land masses where the currents were descending and the ocean floor was developed on the site of the gap where the currents were ascending.

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